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From Training to Underwater Exploration: Take a Deep Dive with the NOAA Diving Center With Jessica Keller and Zachary Hileman, both from the NOAA Diving Center in Seattle, WA and Stephanie Gandulla, NOAA’s Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary in Alpena, MI

Follow the pathway to become a NOAA diver and beyond! Scientific diving is one of the main types of diving conducted throughout NOAA, and the NOAA Diving Center staff train scientists in how to work safely underwater. Join us as we discuss various aspects of scientific diving from physics and physiology to dive equipment. After training, NOAA divers go into the field and collect data in cool locations like Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary! Thunder Bay will highlight the projects and science conducted by NOAA divers in the Great Lakes.  (Grades 2-6 but all ages will enjoy)


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